Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I *heart* New York

You Belong in Brooklyn

Down to earth and hard working, you're a true New Yorker.
And although you may be turning into a yuppie, you never forget your roots.


Anonymous said...

So, und ich gehöre anscheinend nach Greenwich Village. Na, da könnte ich mir vielleicht gerade mal ne Besenkammer leisten...

Elemmaciltur said...

Dorothee: Yes, I'm a HP-fan. Nothing to do with Alison at all.

SEX = Stash Enhancing eXperience ;-)

And no, I don't think I'd be knitting all WE, since at least Saturday is fully reserved for F. already.

Anonymous said...

I know this is an awfully late comment, but I don't live all that far from the city of New York and you are always welcome to stay with me :)