Friday, November 17, 2006


Is it progress I'm making? On the scarf front, yes; Wavy is growing (although I don't necessarily notice it straight away), but I'm sparing you another picture of the same thing over and over again. The only difference is its length, but it's still a bit to go till it's finished.

On the baby bootie translation front? The translation itself is done, I only need to actually knit a bootie and take pictures - the problem here is the timing. Taking pictures when it's dark outside isn't so great, due to the artificial light (and it's getting dark here at 4.30 pm these days). That's why I prefer taking photos during the day, but I don't get to knit during the day unless it's a weekend. So, either I need to take some time during a weekday, or I need to take time on a weekend which isn't so great either, which leads me to the next point:
The thesis front. I'm a bit behind, so in theory I'm working every day of the week (apart from once a week, when I'm at the office, earning money). And why am I not as far as I want to be? Well, here the usual thing kicks in, somehow, you know, the thing why I'm in therapy. And I thought it got a bit better... but I guess I've still got some way to go. Oh well.
That's it, I'm back at the scarf, so the damn thing is going to be finished hopefully soon!

Oh, has anyone outside the US received their Interweave Knits Winter 2006 issue yet?

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